Greg Patrick is a former NFL player and current defensive coordinator. He came into Evo Ultrafit when he slipped a disc in his back and sought the aid of Evo Ultrafit proprietary ARP Wave technology for rehab. Using Evo Ultrafit protocols, Greg got back on his feet and in top physical shape.
In this testimonial, Greg mentions that though he had played pro sports in the past and had been exposed to many training methodologies, he had never experienced anything like Evo Ultrafit.
Greg says that even though Evo Ultrafit protocols are extremely taxing and require copious amounts of focus, he looks forward to workouts.
Greg mentions that, as a football coach, he knows that being strong in the weight room doesn’t necessarily translate to being strong on the football field. So, he says that if he could do one thing as a coach, he’d expose all of his players to Evo Ultrafit training. Greg says Evo Ultrafit training would be a huge advantage on the football field, protect his players from injury, and improve their performance. Greg sees that Evo Ultrafit training is not just focused on moving weight in the gym, but on improving athletic performance.
Video work by videographers Koala Beard Films