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Jake Holden’s EVO Training

By July 12, 2014 No Comments

Jake Holden found his way to EVO UltraFit through witnessing the success that other racers had with the EVO System.  Once entering the EVO Facility, seeing all the different athletes and people training there, he quickly realized the type of individual that came here were those who desired results and were willing to do what it took to attain them.  Jake started the EVO SScreen Shot 2014-07-12 at 5.45.01 AMystem in early 2014 to help him get ready for the upcoming AMA Superbike Season.

Having recently been signed by TPL to race the Desmo Veloce Panigale 1199, Jake wanted to be as physiologically prepared as he could possibly be.  We at EVO UltraFit evaluated him and we were off to the races, metaphorically.

The first step in the EVO System is to evaluate his Neurological Efficiency to determine why he would have fatigue, instability, lack of timing, lack of coordination, and other negative aspects while riding the 1199.  We found that Jake’s Neurological Efficiency was poor, due to lack or high velocity simulation and old injuries causing compensatory actions.  These compensatory actions were being displayed as poor riding form, lack of endurance and strength.

With the AMA Season fast approaching we started working with Jake several times a day, 5 days a week to prepare his Nervous System for riding the Desmo Veloce Panigale.  Using the POV Sport and the EVO IsoRider we began Neurological Training that allow his brain and body to communicate more efficiently thus allowing displays that he needed ,endurance / strength / dexterity / etc, on the bike to occur.

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